WreckTech is casual turn-based game where you combine random elements into marginally humorous projectiles and fire them at your opponent. You can play against others on Game Center or pass-and-play with your friends.
You are presented with 3 solid elements, 3 liquid elements, and 3 gas elements. Choose 1 of each type and see what you end up with.
Each element has differing values for the following attributes:
- Damage: The amount of damage done to your opponent.
- Repair: The amount of repair done to your own castle.
- Backfire: The amount of damage done to your own castle.
5,000 combinations!
The first time you make a certain combination, you will not know what it does. Once youve made a combination, you will then "learn" it.
Actual projectile and explosions types are random.
Thank you for playing!